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The Book Of The Way

How will the ultimate fate of humanity be decided as the universe winds down?


One mortal couple, Stephen Tower and his wife Faith will follow a path put into place by powerful immortal forces of Angels, Nephilim, Demi Gods, and a Goddess.


The key to Humanity, the Book Of The Way has fallen into the misguided hands of a Nephilim named Vicar as the universe balances upon the edge of destruction.

Can Stephen and Faith retrieve the Book and learn its secrets in time to prevent the elimination of humanity, and keep the universe from collapsing back into the void?





"I Am the Speaker, Will You Hear Me?" The Book of the Way Is A Triumph!,
November 18, 2013
By DukesTraveler
The Book of the Way is diametrically different from any novel available today. Weaver has created an eloquent story steeped in the mystical and the mortal, turning every preconceived notion the reader may have about religion or mythology completely on its From the first page, the reader is immersed in a story of creation unlike any told before, laying the foundation for a plot spanning thousands of years. Themes of life and death, good and evil, and the true meaning of love are visited throughout the text, along with those of power, corruption, and redemption. No matter what religious path you may follow, The Book of the Way will most assuredly make you see it with new eyes. This first novel is a genuine triumph for Weaver, and I hope to hear more from this fresh, new voice in modern literature soon!









Tony gives another view to the way we look at religion and reality. This is not a book for those who want to skim through a book but who love reading and take their time. It has a lot of twist and turns that make it hard to put down.




Just finished reading your book and I am proud to say I know a talented writer. My thought's are I thought it started out a little slow, getting to know the characters what was happening and all but it was worth it as things started to flow. I tho...ught it was interesting that you answered a lot of questions I have always had about our origins versus what the Bible declares to be the origins of man. Using a Goddess as our Creator and her Beloved whom she sent away because of jealousy. Then having his banishment turned into an neverending realm of torment made up by others only to be proven false in the end was Genius so much more of beliveable story that makes sense at least to me.

I hope you keep up with the writing an I'm awaiting the next part of how Stephen will lead mankind into a more perfect and peaceful existance. Good Luck.




The Book of the Way is a beautiful story of love and creation.

In this love our frailties are always forgiven.
Thank goodness!

I cheered, I hoped, I laughed, and I cried. I was immersed.
I will read this story again.

The author has brought together something that I have
felt for many years: 'Everything that exists has some degree
of truth to it'. Let's find out how all the bits fit together.


Miss Maggie



This is a great read, It takes a twist on good & bad. The begining starts like a bible and gives you the background for a great story line. If you enjoy fantasy books, you will not be disapointed.







Excerpt One:


“So this evening the Ceremonies begin.” PK said, “Go on up to your room and get some rest if you like although you may find that you don’t need much sleep when at the Seasonal Gatherings. There’s lots of energy in the air, and in the participants, so if you find yourselves restless, walk around and see if someone needs help in their tasks. Many hands make burdens lighter. We’ll come and get you tomorrow evening and bring you out to the ceremony. Till then,” he stood up and stretched, “We have to be about our own assignments. See you later then.” He reached out, took Betty by the hand and they left the dining area.


Stephen looked over to Faith, “Want some breakfast?” he asked. The smell of bacon cooking had raised his appetite.


Faith said, “No, we can eat later. Let’s go outside and walk around a bit. I need to stretch after all that.”


They left the table and walked out to the lobby of the Lodge. More people were in the lobby than when they had arrived, some were dressed in regular clothes while others wore the white robes and wings. All seemed intent upon whatever business they were assigned to.

 As they crossed the lobby a flash of color caught Faith’s eye and she stopped to see what it was.


“What’s wrong?’ Stephen asked, narrowly avoiding bumping into Faith as she stopped suddenly.


A tall man was striding across the lobby towards the door. He wore a deep crimson robe and had large golden wings on his back. The wings sparkled as if brushed with some kind of reflective material that caused the slightest light to be magnified around him. His face was focused on the door and Faith saw in his profile that his ear was upswept to a slight point. His long blonde hair was pulled back and fell between the set of wings. Faith felt like she had been suddenly hypnotized by this man, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him.


“I see you’ve noticed our visiting Saint.” The voice intruded upon Faith as from a distance away.


“What?” she said.


“I said, I see you’ve noticed our visiting Saint. Houston did you receive the message?” The voice became clearer this time, destroying her reverie. The voice belonged to Priest Bobby, who had taken up station in the lobby almost exactly where they had first met him. He was leaning against a wall happily munching on a chocolate donut.


“Oh, Priest Bobby, I’m sorry. I was lost in thought.”


“It’s just Bobby right now. No need for official niceties at the present time. I’m off duty.” He watched the Saint exit through the doors, “He tends to have that effect on the females, at least from what I’ve observed. Kinda quiet, only says what he has to and then off he goes. Some Saints are like that. Must be all the responsibilities that they handle. Makes ‘em kinda standoffish, if you know what I mean.”


“Isn’t your wife Sarah supposed to be Tatiana tonight?” Stephen asked.


“Yeah, she’s Tatiana to his Oberon.”


“Wow,” Faith said, “Imagine that! Lucky girl!”


“He came here alone? How is that? Don’t even the Saints have their pairbonds? Where’s his mate?” Stephen asked.


“I suppose she has passed to the place of waiting. He came in alone.”


“I had always heard that single members were not allowed at these sorts of events.” Stephen said.


“Normally yes, but when you get to the third level of Priest or to the Saint level and something happens to your mate, the church gives you a pass on that problem. You can participate in many of the Rites and Ceremonies that someone below those levels would normally be forbidden to do. The reason for that is when you reach that stage of knowledge, the Church doesn’t want to waste your talents by shutting you out. There aren’t so many Saints around that they can be tossed aside through no fault of their own. Sure it’s rare to see a Saint out alone, but not beyond the realm of possibilities. First one I’ve ever met though.” Bobby said as he finished his donut. “So what are you two up to this early in the morn?”


“We were going to go outside for a walk around. PK kept us busy all night with explanations of the Gathering, what to expect, what to do, what not to do. On and on, so we were thinking that a walk out in the air would be nice to clear our heads a little.” Faith said.


“Aha, that’s why Betty never showed up. He kept her there with all his droning. Hope he didn’t stuff your heads too full. Whatever happens, just go with the flow. That’s my advice. Keep rolling with the punches and you’ll do fine.” Bobby said.


They left Bobby and started again for the doors, but not before Faith kissed him twice, “One from me, and one from Betty. Sorry that she couldn’t make it, maybe next time, patience will be fulfilled, and waiting will be completed.” Faith whispered to him.



Excerpt Two:


A short haired brunette was waiting for him. She wore dark brown wings and a glowing ankle bracelet and nothing else. PK bowed before her and repeated the words that Stephen had been hearing for the last thirty or so minutes. He then kissed her, put his arm around her waist and they both turned and went into the Grove.


Once PK had left, Stephen decided that he would walk over to the bonfires and watch the jumpers. The four fire pits were burning steadily and a few couples were taking turns leaping over them. Stephen had just gotten in line to make a jump when he heard his name called. He left the line and quickly walked over to the tree. Waiting for him was Sarah.


“Stephen Tower?” she called.


Stephen stopped short of the tree. Sarah was the embodiment of Tatiana. She drew only once, and she had picked him? Absolutely no one could have that much good fortune. Stephen hesitated to approach the tree, thinking that someone was likely to get irritated that he had drawn all this attention.


“Stephen Tower?” he heard his name called again.


He looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. Great…..all eyes were on Tatiana as she again called his name. Someone from the bonfire line passed by him and said, “Hey that’s you, PK’s apprentice. Don’t just stand there like a statue. Go on up!” he gave Stephen a friendly push on the shoulder, “SHE’s blessed you tonight!” he said with a huge smile. “Here he is my Lady! He was just out of earshot for the moment.” he said loudly to Tatiana. He gave Stephen another little push, “Your time in the sun my brother.” he said in a whisper, “Go, go, go!” he made a little waving motion with his hands to get Stephen to start forward, laughed and turning, went back towards the bonfires.


Stephen pulled himself together and stepped up to the tree. Priest Bobby was one fortunate man, he thought as he bowed before Tatiana. Sarah was an intensely beautiful woman to begin with. The diaphanous robe she wore as Tatiana accented her form rather than concealing it. Her hair was pulled up and sprinkled with either some kind of glitter or diamond dust so it sparkled in the firelight. The white feathered wings she wore curved over her shoulders and came inches short of the ground. They looked heavy and Stephen wondered how she managed them walking through the grove. Stephen also noticed that her ears were upswept in the same way as the Saint who played Oberon. Looking carefully he could make out the thin line where they were attached to her real ears. All in all though, the effects when added together gave her an otherworldly look that left him almost breathless.


“Are you Stephen Tower?” she asked him. Her voice was soft and sweet.


“I am the one who has that name among the mortals.” he said, not quite remembering the proper response. “Who calls me here?”


“I Tatiana call you. I seek a mortal to share my bower. Are you of The Way? For only one of The Way can Share with me this night.”


Stephen had no answer for this. Having never seen or discussed this part of the ceremony with PK, he found himself totally lost for the proper response. He decided to wing it and go with something that would seem right in spirit, if not in word.


“How can an Elohim Share with a mortal? Did not the Watchers fall for doing the same? SHE would not permit this to be.” Stephen said. There it was out; he hoped that it would suffice.


Tatiana’s eyes widened a bit at his response. She replied, “The Exiled ones were reduced from their stations as Elohim by THE GODDESS. We are as you see us now, spirits of the forest and of all nature. Sharing with mortals is no longer prohibited since we are no longer Elohim. When the Redeemer comes Oberon and I shall be reunited as Elohim in our pairbond. Until that day arrives we may do as we will; but harming none.”



Excerpt Three:


“Tatiana is the name that you seek!”” Vicar said as he tried to pull free from my grasp. “She is the Great Lady of our legends. It is told that one day at the beginning of the world, as men were just starting to rise above the animals, that Tatiana and her pairbond Oberon came to quarrel over the fate of the mortals. Oberon wanted the destruction of men, to cleanse the world of all who were not like the Elohim and their servants. So he set out with a group of Elohim to eliminate the mortals of this world. They took the forms of creatures from beyond the grave and attempted to kill everyone in the ancient cities of the dawn times. The Great Lady saved as many of the people as possible and brought us to the island of Thera. There she and her handmaidens gave us civilization. After many centuries, the Elohim left us and where they went, we do not know; but it has always been thought by the people that they returned to the heavenly city to live with THE GODDESS.  But just before they left us the leaders of Thera were called into her presence one last time. She presented them with the Sefer Raziel or as we call it, The Book of The Way. She told them that one day The Book would be opened by a chosen one, a Redeemer, and that mortal would be the one who would reconcile both the mortals and the Elohim with THE GODDESS. Then, and only then, would the gates of The Heavenly City be reopened and all would enter and be made glad. Mortals and Elohim alike would be welcomed by THE GODDESS herself and the completion of HER holy plans would be fulfilled.”


I released Vicar from my grip, “You believe this story?” I asked.


Vicar replied, “Yes, it is a factual account,” he went on, “The Church of The Way was formed upon the departure of the Elohim. In the beginning it was not as complex as it is now; but after what I have told you earlier about the Council of Saints and the Chamberlain, I believe that it has become corrupted. Perhaps the influence of The Beloved has done this, perhaps not. It might only be the lust for power by a few small minded men; such is the case in other circumstances many times.”



Excerpt Four:


“And this ends my story,” Gabriel said. “I now offer you the choice.”


“What choice?” Stephen asked.


“I can send you onward to the place of waiting, or since I am satisfied with you, I can send you back to whence you came. The choice is yours. What shall it be?”


“I have come seeking my pairbond, Faith. What do you know of her?”


“I have encountered her. She has already completed the passage and chose to return. What do you choose?”


“Do you know how I can find her?”


“No, the world moves on without me. My place is here and so shall be until the time of Forgiveness and Redemption is upon the universe. I cannot view the mortal world…nor the Heavenly City.” Gabriel said sadly.


“Then I ask to be returned to the grove. I will find her on my own.”


“Understand, your path may not be easy. Things may be demanded of you that will cause pain to you both physically and mentally. Be aware of this before you choose.”


“Enough,” Stephen said brusquely. If I cannot find answers here, I will return and find them in the world.”


“Then go mortal, I give you leave of my presence. Go back into the world and seek your fate. I proclaim you as a Saint of the Church of The Way. The world awaits you. GO!”


Stephen felt as if he had been shoved roughly. His vision darkened, and he was again in the tunnel of darkness. This time it seemed shorter, and the light that appeared at the far end began to increase rapidly. The light was not nearly as bright as where Gabriel had been, and as he burst into it he screamed.



Excerpt Five:


“If left alone, the perfection of mortals would have already occurred, and we wouldn’t be here talking about it. The Mountain will be the new Temple of The Book, and civilization will again rise up in its shadow.”


“There’s a civilization here now.” Faith said, looking out the car window.


“Truth! But what kind of civilization? Crime runs rampant, wars are being fought, women are subjugated, and death, disease, fear and shame rule HER world. The Church is the cure for all of that, and more! I could go on with the list for hours. But look at us, not only you and I, but the millions of members of the Faith. We have no crime, no hate, only fair treatment and love for each other. The Children of The Light are above what the other faiths call sin. The concept of sin evolved for men of power to easily control others. The Brotherhood of Truth invented eternal punishment for the sole reason of keeping power. When the Brotherhood discovered that I possessed The Book, they used that control and power to try to take it away from the Church. They wanted it because it is the actual proof that our faith is the one true belief. We possess that which was created by THE GODDESS. But they severely underestimated my resolve. In the end, the Brotherhood fell and the Way survived.”


“We don’t have sins, but we have the immutable laws.” Faith replied.


“The immutable laws concern certain actions and their consequences. They only roughly parallel sin in the way that those outside think of it. For instance, if you try to breathe water instead of oxygen you will drown. That’s an immutable law. If you try to fly with your Saints wings, you will fall to your death. That’s an immutable law. These are natural immutable laws. If you break one of the immutable laws of the Church, then you are not only exiled from the faith for all time, but you are judged by THE GODDESS and your soul will never enter the Heavenly City. SHE destroys that soul for all time. No eternal punishment, just an end to it. THE GODDESS is above petty schemes like Hell or purgatory. Those were invented by the Brotherhood of Truth. But; the person who breaks an immutable law is still subject to the punishment of the Church. Violators are fair game while they are amongst the living; although contrariwise, any who would take the life of a violator of an immutable law is still subject to the laws of man.  While the Church itself would consider such a person innocent in the circumstances, and an act of goodness to bring mortal justice to an evil person, a countries judicial system would not. That is specifically why your order was first established. The Order of The Blackhearts of Innocence was created to keep random Church members from taking judgment into their own hands. Not that it is always wrong action to do so, but it becomes unnecessary when the Church has a cadre of specialists to perform such actions.”




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