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The Book of the Way tells the story of Stephen Tower and his wife, Faith, who while advancing in the levels of their religion, cross paths with angels, a five-thousand year old immortal named Vicar, and a Goddess, as the universe winds down and the ultimate fate of humanity is decided. The story begins with a prologue concerning the beginning of creation and the separation of the angels (Elohim) after a battle in heaven over the creation of humans. Some of the earthbound angels then mate with the mortals and the Nephilim are born. The Nephilim become two powerful states warring for control of the mortals, and are nearly destroyed when discovered by the earthbound Elohim. The Elohim argue over the fate of the Nephilim, with the males wanting their destruction, and the females wanting to preserve the innocents. Some Nephilim eventually are preserved and form a religion based on The Book of the Way, which was hidden amongst them by one of the Elohim. The Book of the Way was written by The Goddess and given to the earthbound Elohim to guide the mortals to completion. Thousands of years later it is stolen by a man named Vicar who uses its power to form a new religion called The Church of The Way. Vicar through the power of the Book and the assistance of the Angel Gabriel has become immortal and sees himself as the chosen Redeemer in the Goddess’ plan. Millennia later, Stephen Tower and his wife Faith, in their passage to the next level of the Church of the Way will encounter the Angel Gabriel, who reveals the mysteries of The Church and their role in the Goddess’ plan for all living beings. However, Stephen’s and Faith’s paths will diverge and reconnect in Vicars Las Vegas Casino, where the true Redeemer is revealed and the fate of the universe is to be determined.






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