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Book Release Party March 24, 2013


Coming soon: the sequel to The Book Of The Way



Excerpt One:



“Behold the coming of the Fair Folk. Those who kept us safe after the darkness fell, and those who keep watch and ward over the holy pairbonds until their time of waiting has passed.” Her wings folded and she bowed her head in the expanding glow of the purple light.

The circle of standing stones filled with purple light and the audience averted their eyes from its glare as it reached its peak brilliance. A humming began to sound through the air and its volume quickly increased to an almost painful level.

As quickly as the light and sound began, it faded back to nothing. Jeremy turned his head back to the circle and was amazed to see that it was now ringed with white flowers and filled with people on a tiered platform. Two, a man and a woman, sat on large wooden thrones and around them stood seven couples arranged in a semi-circle. On the lower level sat half a dozen other couples.

The Fair Folk’s features were unlike the Peoples. Jeremy noted that their eyes were further apart and tilted upward at an angle towards their temples. Several of the Fair Folk had shorter hair than others and Jeremy could see that their ears swept up to delicate points. They were winged as were the People, but while the People’s wings were feathered; the Fair Folks were for the most part, translucent, or shot through with pale colors. Their wings seemed to glitter in the firelight. All in all, Jeremy found the Fair Folk strangely attractive. He looked around to see the reactions of the People to the Fair Folk, and found that he was the only person standing. The rest had dropped to one knee and had bowed their heads at their appearance. He quickly turned back and looked to the couple on the thrones, gave a sort of embarrassed smile and dropped to one knee and bowed his head with the others.



“Rise mortals, I am Oberon and this is my pairbond Tatiana. Do you not know us?”


“We do Lord, the People merely pay their respects to the Fair Folk.” The Speaker said.


“Some show more respect than others.” Tatiana whispered to Oberon with a smile on her face.

Oberon raised an arched eyebrow in silent reply.





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